Sunday 4 November 2012

Drugs used in Chemotherapy

The word chemotherapy is capable of being divided into two parts, the word chemo being the prefix and therapy being the suffix. The word chemo refers to chemicals, therefore chemotherapy means to treat a specific disease using chemicals, in this case, cancer. Chemicals are used to stop the growth of cancer cells within the body. The chemicals used could be put into four different categories: alkylating agents, anti-metabolites, vinca alkaloids, cytotoxic antibiotics. Alkylating agents are used to attack the DNA within the cells. During the synthesis stage in mitosis, anti-metabolites would block the growth of cells. During the metaphase stage in mitosis, the plant(vinca) alkaloids help stop the formation of mitotic spindles which prevents the cell from dividing. During the interphase stage, cytotoxic antibiotics help stop the duplication of the DNA. The chemicals in these four categories all help assist in stopping cell division.

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